CERN VM WebAPI for Running LHC@Home

CERN VM WebAPI for Running LHC@Home

Year: 2014 Expertise: Computer System Architecture, Parallel and Distributed Computing. Outcome: Test Report. Integration and Test of Web-based Interface for LHC@Home using CERN Virtual Machine WebAPI Bagus Hanindhito Department of Electrical Engineering, School of...
Low-Level-Test of the ATLAS IBL ROD and BOC Module

Low-Level-Test of the ATLAS IBL ROD and BOC Module

Year: 2014 Expertise: Computer System Architecture, VLSI Design. Outcome: Testbench Procedure, Internal Published Project Report Low-Level Test of the New Read-Out-Driver (ROD) Module and Back-of-Crate (BOC) Module for ATLAS IBL Data Acquisition System Upgrade Bagus...