August, 2013

DSP and RTL Design for LTE-A Femto Base-Station

Year: 2013
Expertise: VLSI Design, Communication Systems, Digital Signal Processing
Outcome: Product Prototype, Implementation Report

Digital Signal Processing and RTL Design for Implementation of Low-Cost Long Term Evolution Advanced (LTE-A) Femto base-station using Texas Instruments TMS320C6670 DSP and Altera Stratix IV GX FPGA.

Bagus Hanindhito
Department of Electrical Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Email : hanindhito@bagus.my.id

Abstract—The Long Term Evolution Advanced (LTE-A) is an evolution of LTE. Its standardization had been done in 2011 and commercial usage was expected to commence in 2013. The technology was adopted faster by many developed countries throughout the globe. Unfortunately, the penetration of this technology into developing countries like Indonesia was very slow. In Indonesia, the number of mobile internet users was increasing dramatically. Current established 3G networks was predicted to be unable to handle users’ demand for years to come. Migration to the newer technology such as LTE-A has became a consideration for majority of mobile carriers in Indonesia although they have to implement new infrastructure to support the migration.

The aim of this project is to research and develop solution for low cost LTE-A femto base-station in Indonesia. The first phase of the development is to create calculations, models, and simulations in MATLAB then implement them in a Altera Stratix IV GX FPGA and Texas Instruments TMS320C6670 DSP. The design implementation in FPGA and DSP gives the developer rapid-prototyping before chip implementation takes place. With the help of signal generator and spectrum analyzer, the implementation is tested to make sure its compatibility and performance to LTE-A standards.


Index Terms— Femto Base-Station, LTE-A, rapid-prototyping.

Constellation Diagram as Shown in Spectrum Analyzer

Constellation Diagram as Shown in Spectrum Analyzer

Altera DE4 (Stratix IV GX) FPGA Development Board connected to PC using PCI Express

Altera DE4 (Stratix IV GX) FPGA Development Board connected to PC using PCI Express

The Texas Instruments TMS320C6670 DSP used in this project

The Texas Instruments TMS320C6670 DSP used in this project


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